Changing In The Rain
October is a bit different for me this year, being in the Costa Rican rainy season. I see all the photos and videos on FaceBook of the trees in their Fall splendor back in Canada, and fondly reflect on the beauty and majesty of it all.
Here the only thing that's falling is rain. A lot of rain. (Did I emphasize 'lot' enough? lol) It really likes to deluge here, in between the regular, daily rainfall. It has given me the opportunity to consciously work on changing my relationship with rain.
A little sample of a Costa Rican thunderstorm at night.
Recently we were in a situation in which I had some aggravating discomfort going on, on to which was added a long, soaking wet walk in a downpour. At the time it felt like torture. Then the street lights went out on the dirt road hill / temporary river. I prayed for ease and for joy. A moment later came, "Hey look, fireflies!!" It was a very quick response to the request for joy. Then I noticed my discomfort had eased significantly. I was able to bear the rest of the way with more peace.
I know other people who very much love the rain, without needing Divine intervention. I wanted to be able to love the rain too. (Would also come in handy for rainy season here.) So the next day I bore witness to my habituated response to the rain. Thankfully the discomfort was gone, so that made things waaaay easier. I was with two rain-lovers eager to go outside and play.... but I didn't want to get wet and cold. They opted to jump in the outdoor pool where we were visiting. I watched. In that moment I decided to claim a new choice. I brought my inner child out and let her lead and remind me of how to have fun in the rain. I wondered at where along the way I had exchanged that playfulness and joy for avoidance and misery.
When we arrived back home, dry and warm, we had to walk a ways from the parking spot to our casita (cabin). It was still raining and we were exposed. I found myself walking without a care about it, feeling just fine. When a tree chose to pour water down my head and back, I didn't even flinch!! I was amazed at myself in that moment. What a difference a day, and a decision, made.
Can you think of any areas in your life where you've been running a long-held pattern that could use some updating? The first big step is becoming aware of it. Once you are, when it comes calling again you'll now have the opportunity to observe yourself and how that pattern plays out. This will make it easier to find places to make a change, and to be open to inspiration.
I wish you well in whatever new choices you feel better reflect who you choose to be.