For upcoming event dates Go to "Events Calendar"
Indulge in healing vibrations.
Relax, go deep and beyond as you are held in the healing resonance of both sound and crystals.
Nestle among the many singing bowls and crystals laid on and around you, as Lisa Virtue and Mark Daniel share the expression of sound and spiritual energies.
Layered in with the vibrations of the singing bowls, Lisa channels the angels' healing vocal tones. She and Mark are natural conduits for incredible divine energies that take you exactly where you need to go.
They have a deep connection with the many bowls, chimes and gongs they steward. Intuitively all beautifully mixes and melds, bringing forth sound and vibrations that deepen your experience.
Enjoy these two skilled practitioners offering powerful transformative energies together.
Heal & Restore
SPIRIT SPEAKS - Channelling
The wisdom of the angels and divine realms flows through the conduit Lisa offers, to your ears. In this enlightening, interactive event our angelic friends will offer tools, insights and new perspectives to assist and uplift you in your life's journey.
Spirit begins with an introduction and insights on a subject in highest good for all. Then they will answer questions, have engaging talks and offer supportive healing energy.
Lisa transmits the dialogue as it comes through, without editing.
Uplift & Inspire
The cycles of the moon effect us here on the Earth. We can use these energies to support our well-being and development.
Learn what the current phase of the moon has to offer and participate in a traditional fire ceremony to set free encumbrances and embrace possibility.
Host an event for your group or at your facility:
Putting on a delightful event can be fun and easy. Contact me about your idea and to coordinate the details.
Lisa is best reached by Email: Lisa [at]
She can also be reached via WhatsApp, Skype or Facetime at +(506)8547-0001, or via Facebook Messenger.