Tesla Antenna Orgonite Pendant
New Creations Just In!
(Top L to R) Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Chakra Stones, Citrine, Fluorite, Red Garnet
(Top L to R) Blue Howlite, Red Jasper, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Lavender Quartz, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moonstone
(Top L to R) Obsidian, Peridot, Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Selenite with Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Tiger’s Eye, Turquoise
Tesla Antenna side of pendants
NOTE: All previous versions have Sold Out.
Close up images are in same order as above.
Scroll down to read about:
Tesla Antenna
Crystal Component
How to Choose a Crystal
A Bit of History
Orgonite™, There is a Difference
More Benefits
Pendant’s Range

“I love how I feel when I wear mine!
Looking forward to getting the Rose Quartz pendant as well! Thanks for providing these high vibe creations to the community.”
Choose your colour preference for the necklace cord that comes with the pendant: Black, green, grey, brown, gold, cream.
I wear mine with these cords. A nice idea to really personalize your relationship with your pendant is to find or make a necklace that suits your spirit. For example, incorporate it into a mala, combine it with a meaningful necklace you always wear, have a special necklace design created. Let your creativity flow!
“Beautiful. They have made a difference for my wife as well.”
Tesla antenna side
Tesla antenna
The antenna helps with pain and balances your chakras, bringing them into total harmony. It takes chaotic energy and harmonizes it for increased vitality and healing. Every cell benefits from a clear and fully flowing energy system, able to access and utilize the life giving frequencies they need. A full and vibrant aura is our natural defence to all manner of harmful effects. The antenna has bands made from silver plate, copper plate, and gold plate to amplify this process. They are placed one by one into the Orgonite™ while creating the pendant.
Orgonite™ helps you adapt to withstand EMF, the effects from 5g, cell phones, microwaves and even radiation. These energies can now be utilized by you for your wellbeing, effectively creating protection via your own energetic transformation. It is a total blessing of the life force, which helps clean, compact and magnify all energy. These T.A.O. pendants have the added feature of being completely Reiki-infused.
Orgonite™ is a unique material composition made using a scientific formula to layer organic and inorganic material together. It uses a 100% non-chemical natural hemp/vegetable-based resin. It also includes natural crystals and earth metals weighed and layered in proportion to the resin. Orgone, like Prana, Life Force, Jeev, Chi, and ether, is universal energy present everywhere.
Rose Quartz with Spiral symbol
The new pendants include a spiral on the crystal side. The SPIRAL amplifies the spread of the crystal’s healing and supportive energies.
Shungite with Spiral symbol
“I love it. I get asked about it every time I wear it. I wear it especially on difficult work days or days with high pain. It seems to help relax my body. I’m grateful that the pendant does that for me. And it is beautiful!”
The selection of crystal varieties currently available.
(Top L to R) Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Chakra Stones, Citrine, Fluorite, Red Garnet
(Top L to R) Blue Howlite, Red Jasper, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Lavender Quartz, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moonstone
(Top L to R) Obsidian, Peridot, Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Selenite with Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Tiger’s Eye, Turquoise
crystal component
Crystals are extremely powerful healing and energy amplifying tools. They have the ability to absorb, store and release energy, information, light and vibrations. When held, a crystal increases the bio-magnetic field. They enhance metaphysical abilities and access to quantum potential.
how to choose a crystal
Fortunately, the crystals we are drawn to, are the ones of most benefit to us. The ones we most dislike can also be beneficial for us. However in choosing a pendant, I recommend the one(s) that lights you up the most, which keeps drawing you back to it.
crystal properties
Each crystal has an abundance of supportive properties. I encourage you to read about the crystals that attract you. You’ll be amazed at how perfectly suited they seem to be for what is going on in your life. There are many resources available online and in books.
As an example, here is a short description for Black Tourmaline:
Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone. Its supportive energy aligns the energy centres of the body and channels healing light throughout the system. It guards against radiation and environmental pollutants, and is highly useful in purifying and neutralizing one’s own negative thoughts and internal conflicts, and turning them into positive, usable energy. It is protective and deflects and dispels negative energies, entities, or destructive forces. It promotes a sense of power and self-confidence, allowing for a clearer, more objective view of the world. It is empowering in challenging environments and difficult circumstances.
Affirmation: “My energy is free from outside influences. I am centred and clear.”
“So beautiful!!
Can’t wait to get my new one!”
~ Melinda Chandler
Original styles of pendants, no longer made.
a bit of history
Original Orgonite was a movement of love. It was first composed of a dirty resin, fibreglass/polyester or whatever material was available. These devices attracted dirty (emf/microwave, etc.) energy, but they were never intended to filter and transmute that energy. You cannot clean anything with something that is not clean. These little units drew energy, ie. from cell phone towers, to them. However, they could not transmute it into clean energy because the resin was not pure, and was quite toxic. This type of creation was never intended to be handled by humans. Once they have reached capacity, they give back the dirty energy. So, the well-intentioned individuals placed them in the earth to keep the emissions from reaching the homes.
Mother Earth, with a significant amount of time, is able to clean and absorb this type of energy. They did their job protecting people because the soil cleansed them over time. The positive results were incredible and well documented.
Orgonite™, There is a difference
Holly, my friend who makes these wondrous pendants, is Canada’s only known licensed student to make true Orgonite™. A physicist trademarked Orgonite and Orgone Generators and his family continues to send a very particular hemp vegetable-based resin all the way from Italy to those certified students permitted to access it. Each quarter they are allotted a finite amount. This natural resin acts as a filter and transmutes dirty energy without retaining it.
Only the most natural, non-toxic items go into true Orgonite™, which is why not all Orgonite devices are the same. The formula for Orgonite™ is highly regarded and shared only among licensed students.
The formula ensures that they operate as intended rather than being solely pretty art pieces.
Lapis Lazuli with Spiral symbol
“I have loved my pendant and feel the amazing effects during times of overwhelm.
Thank you for your offering.”
Chakras corresponding to Tesla coils.
More Benefits
The Orgonite™ also filters against electromagnetic (EMF), ELF and HAARP radiations in the environment. Placing in areas like the office, house, garden and play area will be extremely beneficial. It is also excellent for pets, but ensure to place it in a dry area and where they won’t be able to chew, scratch, or swallow it.
Personal Orgonite™ balances your chakras. Chakra balancing improves your health and well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally. Though we have thousands of them in our body, the seven major ones are located along our spine from its base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is commonly represented by a colour of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
By balancing your chakras in the morning, you promote a full-of-life feeling and become positive and hopeful throughout your day.
By balancing your chakras at night, you ease your mind, calm down, and promote a night of deeper sleep.
During the creation process, Holly, a Reiki Master, infuses the pendants with this power symbol 🌀 “Place the power of the universe here.” This symbol increases the power of Reiki, provides protection, and instantly boosts the ability to channel energy.
People, in general, are not accustomed to their energy centres being in harmony 24/7. For some, a period of acclimatization is needed to get used to the new feeling before wearing the pendant all the time.
Pendant’s Range
The range of the pendant is dependent on the person’s auric/etheric field. They are designed to be on the person or at least in their aura, so range can vary. Keeping the pendant at your bedside, in the car, or on the laptop is adequate for most people.
Your Tesla Antenna Orgonite™ Pendant will never need energetic cleansing or charging. It was created by Holly with loving intentions and is always ready to work with you.
As Orgonites™ are all-natural during their creation, they are also adhesive-free. So it is recommended to treat your pendant clasp with care. It is also best not to wear it in the water. Adhesive can be used for repair, should the need arise, as it will not affect the intention set when everything was weighed and contained during the creation process. The new pendants have an upgraded, silver coloured clasp that connects securely in a screw like fashion.
The resin can also be scratched, and is fragile like glass, so be conscious when handling your pendant.
You can clean your pendant with a damp cloth, and a mild soap should be fine if needed.
Enjoy your new pendant and new states of well being!
Tesla Antenna side